“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” – Steve Jobs.
Success is no longer dictated by bringing in qualified candidates in specific positions or locations. This realization has put organizations in a competitive re-evaluation with efforts to improve employee engagement, productivity and expansion. There is an increased focus on security and cost management.
Scientific studies in behavioral psychology detail out ‘trust factor’ as the primary force behind meeting deadlines. This negates the earlier format of running employee cubes under a manager’s line of vision thus shifting workspace fundamentals that once focused on the idea of supervision instead to the idea of fulfilling objectives. This notion, that drives standard startups, is giving way to more open office layouts.
The movement from desk-first to mobile-first is the primary driver behind this evolution that is dramatically transforming the workplace culture across the globe. A positive alignment of real estate conditions with modern technology, fitting of human behavior, is resulting in fun, flexible and innovative setups. To derive results from this socio-cultural and socio-economic change, and to produce a holistic collaborative environment, the market has to embrace this new way of thinking – work is not a place, work is a concept.
Once the workplaces are transformed, they will result in happier employees, increased productivity, and better hiring. We will see better space utilization, optimization and affordability. Thus, this idea is not a marketing approach- but a series of performance-oriented interventions that retain creative output. It is a shift from product-centric to customer-centric environments where research, operations and management co-exist to create a system that is intrinsic to the functioning of an organization, making them highly resilient, and therefore, sustainable.
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